
The Map Shortcode allows you to include a Google map on your page. There are a number of options to choose from when creating your map. There are color options, marker options and different layers that can be added to your map.

Colored map with custom marker and shadow

You have the option to set your own colors for the map. Options include hue, saturation, lightness, gamma, and invert lightness. The map below has a hue color of #333333 and a saturation of -100.

Satellite map with animated marker

Hybrid map with two markers

Map layers

You have the option of applying up to 3 different layers to your map, they are: Traffic, Transit, and Bicycle

Traffic layer

Bicycle layer

Transit layer

Explore More Shortcodes

The Map Shortcode allows you to include a Google map on your page. There are a number of options to choose from when creating your map. There are color options, marker options and different layers that can be added to your map.
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Colored map with custom marker and shadow</h2>
You have the option to set your own colors for the map. Options include hue, saturation, lightness, gamma, and invert lightness. The map below has a hue color of #333333 and a saturation of -100.

[intense_map type="Roadmap" width="100%" fit_bounds="0" address="299 E Jefferson Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46802" shadow="8" height="300px" zoom_control="0" map_type_control="0" street_view="0" zoom="7" hue="#333" saturation="-100"]
[intense_map_marker address="299 E Jefferson Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46802" markerimage="" /]

[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
<h2>Satellite map with animated marker</h2>
[intense_map zoom="13" type="SATELLITE" height="300px"]
[intense_map_marker animation="BOUNCE" address="1 Audrey Zapp Drive, Jersey City, NJ 07305" color="#40ba18" markertext="A" title="Statue of Liberty" description="" /]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
<h2>Hybrid map with two markers</h2>
[intense_map fit_bounds="1" type="HYBRID" map_type_style="dropdown_menu" street_view="0" height="300px"]
[intense_map_marker address="233 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606" title="Willis Tower" description="" /]
[intense_map_marker address="350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118" color="#fe781e" title="Empire State Building" description="" /]

[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Map layers</h2>
You have the option of applying up to 3 different layers to your map, they are: Traffic, Transit, and Bicycle
[intense_row padding_top="10"]
[intense_column size="12" medium_size="12"]
<h3>Traffic layer</h3>
[intense_map zoom="13" fit_bounds="0" address="233 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606" type="Roadmap" height="300px" traffic_layer="1"]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
<h3>Bicycle layer</h3>
[intense_map zoom="14" fit_bounds="0" address="233 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606" type="Roadmap" height="300px" bicycle_layer="1"]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
<h3>Transit layer</h3>
[intense_map fit_bounds="0" zoom="14" address="233 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606" type="Raodmap" transit_layer="1" map_type_style="dropdown_menu" street_view="0" height="300px"]

[intense_snippet snippet_id="Child Theme | Shortcodes/footer" snippet_title="Shortcode Page Footer"]