Add testimonies to your WordPress posts and pages using the testimonies shortcode. Testimonies can be manually added or pulled from the Intense testimonials posts. Testimonies layouts are created using templates. Testimonies can be shown in a slider.
Example Templates
Boxed With and Without Photo
“ As a professional, it’s relieving to be able to obtain great results using just this plugin and a blank theme: in the days where even agencies use prebuilt themes, it’s refreshing, dignifying and economically profitable to be able to build up complex structures without having to reinvent the wheel at each time, and without having to waste money and time in reverse engineering themes someone else wrote. A true one stop shop for the modern WordPress site, robust in performance, with awesome support and documentation, and a real money saver. A must have. „

Fulvio Romanin
“ As a professional, it’s relieving to be able to obtain great results using just this plugin and a blank theme: in the days where even agencies use prebuilt themes, it’s refreshing, dignifying and economically profitable to be able to build up complex structures without having to reinvent the wheel at each time, and without having to waste money and time in reverse engineering themes someone else wrote. A true one stop shop for the modern WordPress site, robust in performance, with awesome support and documentation, and a real money saver. A must have. „
Fulvio Romanin
Quote Bubble
This example also demonstrates that the quote background and font colors can be customized for each individual testimony.
I am learning that web development and design doesn’t have to be so d@#$ painful.
Text With and Without Photo

Seriously, the best WP shortcode plugin out there hands down and support is second to none. Plugin was causing a conflict with my membership software and support sent me a update to fix the conflict in less than 24 hours.
The testimonies in this example all come from testimonials posts. The basic slider cycles through each testimonial after a specified amount of time. The slider will pause if the mouse hovers over.
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By far the best plugin that's happened to WordPress, and I say that as an agency owner who's dealt with hundreds and hundreds of plugins. Also can't forget the outstanding customer service - Josh is a machine and I'm not sure how Chad & him are STILL able to provide such superior customer service while still updating the most featured packed yet incredibly intuitive Intense plugin. Congrats on the success guys!