
The filler shortcode helps you quickly mock up content by adding filler text and images. When designing a page or post, it is helpful to drop in text and images so that you can get the idea of how things will lay out. The filler shortcode is perfect for quickly putting together demo sites for your clients.

Often the hardest thing is just getting started. The filler shortcode can help you get over the hurdle of a “blank page.”

Text Example

Add text using the filler shortcode by setting the number of paragraphs, words, or bytes. If you want to add a filler for headline/title text, there is also an option for that. Titles uppercase the first character of every word.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at eros iaculis, euismod nunc vitae, cursus erat. Ut egestas lectus sit amet ante posuere molestie. Vivamus iaculis dolor consequat, euismod orci in, egestas ante.

Fusce sit amet risus et diam congue venenatis. Aliquam pharetra ligula vel lacus euismod lacinia. Praesent mattis nibh eu enim laoreet adipiscing. Maecenas ac tortor eu est porttitor sodales in id odio. Nunc ac lectus vel tortor rutrum feugiat. Nullam quis nulla pulvinar, auctor mauris ultricies, interdum felis.

List Example

Using the filler shortcode, you can also add a bulleted list of items. Choose the number of items in the list.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Nunc molestie dui eget accumsan mattis.
  • Vestibulum id erat quis ante dictum consequat a sed dui.
  • Aliquam eu nisl ultrices, aliquet tortor faucibus, convallis magna.
  • Cras sit amet mi eu sem congue fringilla.

Image Example

Easily add filler images. Set the width and height of the image. There are 11 categories to choose from or you can choose to randomly select the categories. When adding images, you can set the alignment to top, bottom, right, left, or middle so that the text will wrap around the image. Also choose if you want to show a grayscale image instead.

The images are provided by

The filler images are for layout purposes. Each image is released under the creative commons license (CC BY-SA). For more information visit If you want to use the images for more than layouts, double check the license and ask the author. You can find links to the images on We assume no liability.

Right Aligned Grayscale Image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae lectus dapibus, consequat nulla sit amet, gravida arcu. Fusce ac justo lobortis, sollicitudin nibh vitae, porttitor odio. Nunc accumsan arcu ac blandit semper. Donec quis nunc vitae nibh sagittis lacinia. Quisque feugiat sem nec nisi sodales ullamcorper. Aenean blandit urna vel lectus fermentum facilisis eu ut metus. Nunc vulputate metus et magna consectetur accumsan. Mauris rhoncus leo id enim venenatis consequat. Quisque id massa imperdiet ante fringilla volutpat nec porta sem.

Etiam sodales orci eget sapien sodales adipiscing. Suspendisse semper neque adipiscing nibh ullamcorper tristique. Quisque feugiat sem nec nisi sodales ullamcorper. Praesent at massa tincidunt, malesuada sem sed, mattis lorem. Quisque feugiat sem nec nisi sodales ullamcorper.

Quisque molestie tortor quis enim suscipit convallis. Ut molestie urna ut nulla hendrerit, in dictum odio consectetur. Vestibulum imperdiet urna vitae sapien faucibus porttitor. Nulla a dui consectetur, gravida ligula et, viverra purus.

Donec a ipsum vitae metus facilisis imperdiet in nec mi. Nunc nec ligula sit amet nibh commodo sagittis et ac tellus. Pellentesque sit amet quam nec tellus condimentum suscipit non et purus. Proin ut leo non arcu malesuada suscipit. Vivamus porttitor leo in tincidunt hendrerit. Suspendisse vitae ipsum tempus, accumsan ante vel, venenatis erat. Nulla feugiat orci non libero ultrices dignissim. Quisque rutrum libero vitae ullamcorper consequat.

Explore More Shortcodes

The filler shortcode helps you quickly mock up content by adding filler text and images. When designing a page or post, it is helpful to drop in text and images so that you can get the idea of how things will lay out. The filler shortcode is perfect for quickly putting together demo sites for your clients.

Often the hardest thing is just getting started. The filler shortcode can help you get over the hurdle of a "blank page."
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Text Example</h2>
Add text using the filler shortcode by setting the number of <strong>paragraphs</strong>, <strong>words</strong>, or <strong>bytes</strong>. If you want to add a filler for headline/title text, there is also an option for that. Titles uppercase the first character of every word.
<h3>[intense_filler words="5" is_title="1"]</h3>
[intense_filler paragraphs="2"]
<h2>List Example</h2>
Using the filler shortcode, you can also add a bulleted list of items. Choose the number of items in the list.
[intense_filler list="5"]
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Image Example</h2>
Easily add filler images. Set the width and height of the image. There are 11 categories to choose from or you can choose to randomly select the categories. When adding images, you can set the alignment to <strong>top</strong>, <strong>bottom</strong>, <strong>right</strong>, <strong>left</strong>, or <strong>middle</strong> so that the text will wrap around the image. Also choose if you want to show a grayscale image instead.

[intense_alert color="muted"]
The images are provided by <a href=""></a>

The filler images are for layout purposes. Each image is released under the creative commons license (CC BY-SA). For more information visit <a href=""></a>. If you want to use the images for more than layouts, double check the license and ask the author. You can find links to the images on <a href=""></a>. We assume no liability.
[intense_filler type="image"]
<h3>Right Aligned Grayscale Image</h3>
[intense_filler type="image" width="200" height="200" grayscale="1" align="right"]
[intense_filler paragraphs="4"]
[intense_snippet snippet_id="Child Theme | Shortcodes/footer" snippet_title="Shortcode Page Footer"]