The alert shortcode can be used to draw attention to important information on your WordPress website. Because of its many options, it can also be used as a general layout element for page building. Alerts are similar to the content box, promotional box, and content section shortcodes but are more basic.
Block Alerts and Border Radius
Another design tool is the ability to set the border radius (rounded corners) of the alert. Rounding the corners will add a softer look to the alert. Even a small amount goes a long way.
Close Button
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id erat quis ante dictum consequat a sed dui. Quisque feugiat sem nec nisi sodales ullamcorper. Pellentesque eu mauris consectetur, accumsan leo in, venenatis nisi.
Donec porta orci vestibulum commodo ullamcorper. Etiam sodales orci eget sapien sodales adipiscing. Suspendisse quis justo et tellus mollis suscipit ut sed metus. Duis consectetur est eget mi consectetur, sed dignissim mauris lacinia. Vestibulum ut nulla nec turpis pulvinar sodales sed vel purus. Cras non erat egestas, vehicula orci ac, suscipit metus.
Go Beyond the Basics
Get creative and use alerts for effective layouts. Alerts are a quick way to add a colored box anywhere on your pages.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Cras sed mauris non massa tincidunt viverra a consequat ligula Nulla euismod lorem eu elit ornare, ac consectetur sem elementum Cras at dolor sed felis volutpat aliquet vel et enim Aliquam dapibus nulla condimentum, egestas risus eget, rutrum leo Quisque quis nibh commodo, ornare nisi eu, fringilla urna Donec in tellus ut libero scelerisque venenatis Pellentesque semper nibh ac magna dapibus, eget sollicitudin risus condimentum In feugiat lacus et velit ultrices volutpat Nam vel libero id dui pellentesque fermentum Etiam pretium massa malesuada vestibulum volutpat Praesent in justo sit amet lectus venenatis auctor quis sed risus Phasellus non lacus convallis, ultrices purus eget, molestie risus Integer iaculis purus sed congue porta Nam varius magna at sem ultricies hendrerit Fusce sagittis metus in magna vulputate lobortis Proin vehicula turpis eu arcu venenatis condimentum Nam quis odio id purus adipiscing consequat eget ac risus Nunc porta ante eu tellus venenatis suscipit Mauris elementum sem ac condimentum tempor Aenean vitae nisi id nulla tristique egestas at eget odio Quisque ut dolor nec nulla ullamcorper vestibulum Fusce vitae libero ac ipsum ultrices mollis Mauris rhoncus leo id enim venenatis consequat Nunc vulputate metus et magna consectetur accumsan Donec tempor nisl eget libero imperdiet auctor Mauris a eros

Explore More Shortcodes
- Alert
- Animated Popular
- Animated Image
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- Badge
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- Device Mockups
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- Heading
- Highlight
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- Person
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The alert shortcode can be used to draw attention to important information on your WordPress website. Because of its many options, it can also be used as a general layout element for page building. Alerts are similar to the content box, promotional box, and content section shortcodes but are more basic.
This is an example of the alert shortcode
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Block Alerts and Border Radius</h2>
[intense_row padding_top="0"]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
You can show alerts that have a little more padding on them. Whitespace, the extra empty space around an element, is a powerful tool in the design of your website.
Another design tool is the ability to set the border radius (rounded corners) of the alert. Rounding the corners will add a softer look to the alert. Even a small amount goes a long way.
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
[intense_alert color="error" font_color="#ffffff" border_radius="5px" block="1"]
This is a block alert and has a little more padding. Choose any color you want for the alerts. Also notice that this alert has a border radius (rounded corners).
<h2>Close Button</h2>
[intense_row padding_top="0"]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
Though not often used, you can add a close button to the alert shortcode. This will show an <strong>×</strong> in the corner of the alert that will hide the alert when clicked. The best use for this is to allow your users to dismiss a very large alert.
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
[intense_alert close="1" color="success" font_color="#fff"]
This alert has a close button.
[intense_filler paragraphs="2"]
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Go Beyond the Basics</h2>
Get creative and use alerts for effective layouts. Alerts are a quick way to add a colored box anywhere on your pages.
[intense_row padding_top="0"]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
[intense_alert color="warning" shadow="4"]
This alert shortcode has a shadow on the bottom. Choose from many different shadows.
[intense_filler bytes="1400"]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6"]
[intense_image image="3142" size="medium640" title="flowers"]
[intense_snippet snippet_id="Child Theme | Shortcodes/footer" snippet_title="Shortcode Page Footer"]