Add a collapsible box with a title using the collapsibles shortcode. Often referred to as an accordion, the collapsibles shortcode is useful for adding content that you want the user to be able to toggle. Collapsibles allow for simple layouts where the content would be otherwise overwhelming. Users can choose which items they want to see by expanding/collapsing items.
There are many different options available to control the styles of the title and content area. The collapse and expand buttons can be customized. You can also expand items by default and control if only one item can be open at once.
Basic Examples
A collapsibles with a single item. Normally multiple items are included but not required.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel ante non ipsum malesuada egestas. Suspendisse suscipit dui faucibus dui sodales convallis. In ac lorem feugiat, molestie ligula ac, congue risus. Aliquam in augue congue, consectetur est eget, gravida enim. Etiam gravida elit a dui ornare, eu consequat tellus fringilla. Sed nec ligula id lacus gravida consequat. Nullam et lorem sodales, accumsan nisl quis, fermentum ante. Nullam ullamcorper lacus at dui consequat, vitae molestie orci dignissim.
Cras quis odio ac leo accumsan pharetra. Aliquam imperdiet nibh gravida, sodales nulla a, venenatis neque. Quisque dapibus justo a urna lobortis cursus.
Maecenas a dolor suscipit, sagittis nisl ac, rutrum tellus. Nullam interdum tortor sit amet lacinia auctor. Phasellus eleifend massa at euismod rutrum. Sed vel dolor tempus, imperdiet erat in, varius orci. Etiam lobortis diam sit amet facilisis dictum.
A collapsibles with multiple items.
Notice how the expand and collapse icons have been changed. The titles both have different colors. The content for each item has also been given a light gray background.
Link Titles
Sometimes you want one of the collapsible items in a series of items to be a link instead of a standard collapsible.
Explore More Shortcodes
- Alert
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Add a collapsible box with a title using the collapsibles shortcode. Often referred to as an accordion, the collapsibles shortcode is useful for adding content that you want the user to be able to toggle. Collapsibles allow for simple layouts where the content would be otherwise overwhelming. Users can choose which items they want to see by expanding/collapsing items.
There are many different options available to control the styles of the title and content area. The collapse and expand buttons can be customized. You can also expand items by default and control if only one item can be open at once.
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Basic Examples</h2>
A collapsibles with a single item. Normally multiple items are included but not required.
[intense_collapse title="Collapsibles Shortcode Demo"][intense_filler paragraphs="3"][/intense_collapse]
A collapsibles with multiple items.
[intense_collapse title="Collapse 1"]
Sed ante purus, eleifend id cursus euismod, convallis non diam. Integer quis nisi sit amet velit facilisis placerat eget sed nulla. Integer eget lorem et mauris rhoncus tincidunt. Nulla in nibh a nunc elementum ullamcorper. Aliquam eu leo quis turpis vestibulum bibendum sed vitae magna. Maecenas at diam ipsum, sed dignissim libero. In mattis aliquam nibh, at tempor ligula vestibulum vitae. Quisque sollicitudin gravida ipsum in pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed pretium fermentum enim, feugiat posuere urna fermentum in. Nullam convallis mattis nibh. Vestibulum feugiat, libero non auctor condimentum, orci urna imperdiet massa, vitae laoreet odio purus et justo. Suspendisse quis leo lacus. Nulla venenatis congue dolor, in consequat augue tempor ac.
[intense_collapse title="Collapse 2"]
Sed ante purus, eleifend id cursus euismod, convallis non diam. Integer quis nisi sit amet velit facilisis placerat eget sed nulla. Integer eget lorem et mauris rhoncus tincidunt. Nulla in nibh a nunc elementum ullamcorper. Aliquam eu leo quis turpis vestibulum bibendum sed vitae magna. Maecenas at diam ipsum, sed dignissim libero. In mattis aliquam nibh, at tempor ligula vestibulum vitae. Quisque sollicitudin gravida ipsum in pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed pretium fermentum enim, feugiat posuere urna fermentum in. Nullam convallis mattis nibh. Vestibulum feugiat, libero non auctor condimentum, orci urna imperdiet massa, vitae laoreet odio purus et justo. Suspendisse quis leo lacus. Nulla venenatis congue dolor, in consequat augue tempor ac.
[intense_collapse title="Collapse 3"]
Sed ante purus, eleifend id cursus euismod, convallis non diam. Integer quis nisi sit amet velit facilisis placerat eget sed nulla. Integer eget lorem et mauris rhoncus tincidunt. Nulla in nibh a nunc elementum ullamcorper. Aliquam eu leo quis turpis vestibulum bibendum sed vitae magna. Maecenas at diam ipsum, sed dignissim libero. In mattis aliquam nibh, at tempor ligula vestibulum vitae. Quisque sollicitudin gravida ipsum in pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed pretium fermentum enim, feugiat posuere urna fermentum in. Nullam convallis mattis nibh. Vestibulum feugiat, libero non auctor condimentum, orci urna imperdiet massa, vitae laoreet odio purus et justo. Suspendisse quis leo lacus. Nulla venenatis congue dolor, in consequat augue tempor ac.
Notice how the expand and collapse icons have been changed. The titles both have different colors. The content for each item has also been given a light gray background.
[intense_collapsibles expand_icon="plus" collapse_icon="minus" icon_size="1"]
[intense_collapse title="Colored Collapse Item" title_background_color="primary" content_background_color="#dedede"]Collapse Content[/intense_collapse]
[intense_collapse title="Another Colored Item" title_background_color="success" content_background_color="#dedede"]Collapse Content[/intense_collapse]
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Link Titles</h2>
Sometimes you want one of the collapsible items in a series of items to be a link instead of a standard collapsible.
[intense_collapsibles expand_icon="angle-down" collapse_icon="angle-up" icon_size="1"]
[intense_collapse title="Regular Collapsible Item" active="1"]Collapse Content[/intense_collapse]
[intense_collapse title="Linked Item - clicking on this item will take you to another page" external_link=""]Collapse Content[/intense_collapse]
[intense_collapse title="Another Regular Item"]Collapse Content[/intense_collapse]
[intense_snippet snippet_id="Child Theme | Shortcodes/footer" snippet_title="Shortcode Page Footer"]