
The panel shortcode can be used to put content in a box on your WordPress website. Because of its many options, it can also be used as a general layout element for page building.


Panel Shortcode

A basic example with a colored title, rounded corners, and a border.
Panel Shortcode

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius dui non nulla pretium, at auctor augue sollicitudin. Sed dapibus nulla sollicitudin lectus viverra, eget luctus nunc vestibulum.

Integer iaculis purus sed congue porta. Aliquam ut turpis eu est auctor laoreet volutpat nec ante. Fusce tristique dolor nec turpis euismod, a tempus arcu elementum. In at augue ullamcorper, pellentesque arcu aliquet, ullamcorper turpis. Nam ut leo a tellus laoreet ornare at vel massa. Nullam et odio sit amet libero consectetur congue ac vitae tortor.

Proin vitae ipsum et nisl tristique posuere. Vestibulum eu lectus non nunc vehicula blandit. Praesent a justo mattis, pellentesque lacus placerat, ornare est. Duis varius felis nec lectus ornare ultricies. Nulla euismod lorem eu elit ornare, ac consectetur sem elementum. Fusce a odio sollicitudin, euismod ipsum at, pellentesque leo.

Pellentesque ac est consectetur, ornare lorem varius, sagittis ligula. Sed et nisi ut ante auctor aliquet nec vel velit. Maecenas blandit orci convallis mi accumsan, sed venenatis orci accumsan. Fusce tristique dolor nec turpis euismod, a tempus arcu elementum. Praesent at ante quis urna aliquam tristique. Suspendisse nec sem non enim vehicula luctus eu eget nisi. Quisque consectetur lorem sit amet nisi porttitor, sed bibendum nunc sodales..

Panel Shortcode

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In in nulla vel arcu bibendum aliquet. Duis et justo elementum libero iaculis pulvinar. Suspendisse sed sem sed lorem sagittis auctor non non augue. Donec at massa id leo imperdiet tincidunt id at ipsum. Vestibulum porta justo a velit porttitor tincidunt. Proin accumsan diam tempus enim placerat, vel eleifend lectus dignissim.

Integer id velit scelerisque lectus eleifend.

Add anything to the body

Explore More Shortcodes

The panel shortcode can be used to put content in a box on your WordPress website. Because of its many options, it can also be used as a general layout element for page building.
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
[intense_panel title="Panel Shortcode" title_tag="h3" color="#ffffff" border="1px solid #1a8be2" top_left_border_radius="5px" top_right_border_radius="5px" bottom_left_border_radius="5px" bottom_right_border_radius="5px"]
A basic example with a colored title, rounded corners, and a border.

[intense_panel title="Panel Shortcode" color="#e8e8e8" title_color="warning"]
[intense_image image="2146" align="left" title="Person9" size="square150" border_radius="30px" border="10px solid #e8e8e8"]
[intense_filler words="200"]

[intense_column size="4" medium_size="4" small_size="12" extra_small_size="12"]
[intense_panel title_tag="h2" title_color="#ffffff" color="#f2f2f2" footer="A panel with a footer and no title" padding_top="0" padding_bottom="0" padding_left="0" padding_right="0"]
[intense_image image="3183" size="medium500" title="unsplash_523c673a60106_1"]
[intense_column size="4" medium_size="4" small_size="12" extra_small_size="12"]
[intense_panel title="Panel Shortcode" title_color="#333"]
[intense_filler words="65"]
[intense_column size="4" medium_size="4" small_size="12" extra_small_size="12"]
[intense_panel shadow="7" title="Add anything to the body" title_color="error" padding_top="0" padding_bottom="0" padding_left="0" padding_right="0"]
[intense_map address="Golden Gate Bridge" height="225"]

[intense_snippet snippet_id="Child Theme | Shortcodes/footer" snippet_title="Shortcode Page Footer"]