Add a pricing table to WordPress with the pricing table shortcode. Use multiple to compare different pricing packages side-by-side. Template each section as needed to make sure they layout perfectly with your design. Several templates are included by default to help you get started.
Pricing tables can work independently or in groups. This example shows a single pricing table. The pricing table will expand to fill the width of its container. To limit the width, place a pricing table inside a row with columns or some other set-width layout.
To put multiple pricing tables together all the pricing tables are added to a row with as many columns as you want pricing tables. Each pricing table is given the same grouping number so that they can work together. Notice how these examples include pricing sections with maps, images, and video inside them.
This example is set to not expand when the mouse is hovered over the pricing table. You will also notice how the third item is a featured item making it stand out from the other pricing tables in the same group.
1 month
$10.99 $9.99
1 month
1 month



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Add a pricing table to WordPress with the pricing table shortcode. Use multiple to compare different pricing packages side-by-side. Template each section as needed to make sure they layout perfectly with your design. Several templates are included by default to help you get started.
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
Pricing tables can work independently or in groups. This example shows a single pricing table. The pricing table will expand to fill the width of its container. To limit the width, place a pricing table inside a row with columns or some other set-width layout.
[intense_row padding_top="0"]
[intense_column size="4" medium_size="4"]
[intense_pricing_table hover_expand="1" even_background_color="#c7c7c7" odd_background_color="#ebebeb"]
[intense_pricing_section template="heading" title="Platinum" amount="$15.99" frequency="month" background_color="inverse" font_color="#fff"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="standard_no_padding"][intense_image image="705" size="postWide" title="unsplash_5244800b1ebf4_1" bgcolor="#ffffff"][/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_pricing_section template="pricing" currency="bitcoin" amount="$90.99" frequency="yearly" /]
[intense_pricing_section title="Unlimited Users"/]
[intense_pricing_section title="Unlimited Space"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="footer" background_color="#919191"][intense_button border_radius="2px" angle_3d="270" size="large"]Buy Now[/intense_button]
[intense_column size="8" medium_size="8"]
[intense_content_section imagemode="full"]
To put multiple pricing tables together all the pricing tables are added to a row with as many columns as you want pricing tables. Each pricing table is given the same grouping number so that they can work together. Notice how these examples include pricing sections with maps, images, and video inside them.
This example is set to not expand when the mouse is hovered over the pricing table. You will also notice how the third item is a featured item making it stand out from the other pricing tables in the same group.
[intense_row padding_top="0"]
[intense_column size="4" nogutter="0"]
[intense_pricing_table grouping="1" hover_expand="0"]
[intense_pricing_section template="heading_circle" title="Bronze" amount="$8.99" frequency="1 month" background_color="primary" font_color="#fff"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="standard_no_padding"][intense_map height="150px" address="14401 Winters Rd, Roanoke, IN 46783"]
[intense_pricing_section title="10 Users"/]
[intense_pricing_section title="5TB Disk Space"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="footer"]<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#"><i class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> Select</a>[/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_column size="4" nogutter="0"]
[intense_pricing_table grouping="1" hover_expand="0"]
[intense_pricing_section template="heading_circle" title="Silver" amount="$10.99" sale_amount="$9.99" frequency="1 month" background_color="warning" font_color="#fff"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="video"][intense_video video_type="youtube" video_url=""][/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_pricing_section title="50 Users"/]
[intense_pricing_section title="10TB Disk Space"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="footer"]<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#"><i class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> Select</a>[/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_column size="4" nogutter="0"]
[intense_pricing_table featured="1" grouping="1" hover_expand="0"]
[intense_pricing_section template="heading_circle" title="Gold" amount="$15.99" frequency="1 month" background_color="error" font_color="#fff"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="standard_no_padding"][intense_image image="699" size="postWide" title="unsplash_5244800b1ebf4_1" bgcolor="#ffffff"][/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_pricing_section title="Unlimited Users"/]
[intense_pricing_section title="Unlimited Space"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="footer"]<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#"><i class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> Select</a>[/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_content_section imagemode="full" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
If you want the pricing tables right next to each other, the nogutter attribute on the row columns can be used. They are allowed to expand out when the mouse is moved over the top of them.
[intense_column size="3" nogutter="1"]
[intense_pricing_table grouping="2"]
[intense_pricing_section template="heading" title="Bronze" amount="$8.99" frequency="month" background_color="primary" font_color="#fff"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="standard_no_padding"][intense_map height="150px" address="14401 Winters Rd, Roanoke, IN 46783"]
[intense_pricing_section title="10 Users"/]
[intense_pricing_section title="5TB Disk Space"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="footer"]<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#"><i class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> Select</a>[/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_column size="3" nogutter="1"]
[intense_pricing_table featured="1" grouping="2"]
[intense_pricing_section template="heading" title="Silver" amount="$10.99" sale_amount="$9.99" frequency="month" background_color="warning" font_color="#fff"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="video"][intense_video video_type="youtube" video_url=""][/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_pricing_section title="50 Users"/]
[intense_pricing_section title="10TB Disk Space"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="footer"]
[intense_button size="large" border_radius="3px"]Buy Now[/intense_button]
[intense_column size="3" nogutter="1"]
[intense_pricing_table grouping="2"]
[intense_pricing_section template="heading" title="Gold" amount="$15.99" frequency="month" background_color="error" font_color="#fff"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="pricing" currency="bitcoin" amount="$50.99" frequency="monthly" /]
[intense_pricing_section title="Unlimited Users"/]
[intense_pricing_section title="Unlimited Space"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="standard_no_padding"][intense_image image="699" size="postWide" title="unsplash_5244800b1ebf4_1" bgcolor="#ffffff"][/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_pricing_section template="footer"]<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#"><i class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> Select</a>[/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_column size="3" nogutter="1"]
[intense_pricing_table grouping="2"]
[intense_pricing_section template="heading" title="Platinum" amount="$15.99" frequency="month" background_color="inverse" font_color="#fff"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="pricing" currency="bitcoin" amount="$50.99" frequency="monthly" /]
[intense_pricing_section title="Unlimited Users"/]
[intense_pricing_section title="Unlimited Space"/]
[intense_pricing_section template="standard_no_padding"][intense_image image="705" size="postWide" title="unsplash_5244800b1ebf4_1" bgcolor="#ffffff"][/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_pricing_section template="footer"]<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#"><i class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> Select</a>[/intense_pricing_section]
[intense_snippet snippet_id="Child Theme | Shortcodes/footer" snippet_title="Shortcode Page Footer"]