
The promo box shortcode is perfect for call-outs and promotions. Easily add a button with link, change the size, set the borders, add a shadow, and more.


Control the size, color, position, and link of a button within the promo box shortcode. The button is a great tool for a call-to-action.

Buy Now

Button on the right

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis ante sed mauris porta lacinia sed a dui. Nulla ultricies magna a dui dapibus, non gravida urna imperdiet. Fusce egestas sem ac vulputate consectetur. Fusce vitae libero ac ipsum ultrices mollis. Aenean laoreet eros eu tellus luctus, sed tristique augue commodo.


Button on the left

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempor urna at auctor dictum. Nullam quis nulla pulvinar, auctor mauris ultricies, interdum felis. Suspendisse sed mauris sed leo feugiat consequat.


The promo box shortcode includes four different predefined sizes.



Control each border independently. Change the size, style, and color. You can also set the border radius (rounded corners).

Custom borders and border radius
Another example with just the border on the top
Another example with just the border on the left
Another example with all the borders the same

Additional Styling

Change the font, background color, background image, shadow, and opacity of the promo box shortcode.

Background color and font

Background image and shadow. There are 14 shadows to choose from.

Explore More Shortcodes

The promo box shortcode is perfect for call-outs and promotions. Easily add a button with link, change the size, set the borders, add a shadow, and more.
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
Control the size, color, position, and link of a button within the promo box shortcode. The button is a great tool for a call-to-action.
[intense_promo_box button_text="Buy Now"]
<h2>Button on the right</h2>
[intense_filler paragraphs="1"]
[intense_promo_box button_text="Button" button_color="error" button_position="left"]
<h2>Button on the left</h2>
[intense_filler paragraphs="1"]
The promo box shortcode includes four different predefined sizes.
[intense_promo_box size="small"]Small[/intense_promo_box]
[intense_promo_box size="medium"]Medium[/intense_promo_box]
[intense_promo_box size="large"]Large[/intense_promo_box]
[intense_promo_box size="mega"]Mega[/intense_promo_box]
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
Control each border independently. Change the size, style, and color. You can also set the border radius (rounded corners).
[intense_promo_box border_top="2px solid #ffab3d" border_right="2px double #960808" border_bottom="2px dashed #1468c9" border_left="2px dotted #9e0696" border_radius="10px"]
Custom borders and border radius
[intense_promo_box border_top="2px solid #ffab3d" ]
Another example with just the border on the top
[intense_promo_box border_left="2px solid #1468c9" ]
Another example with just the border on the left
[intense_promo_box border="1px solid #1468c9" ]
Another example with all the borders the same
[intense_content_section background_type="color" background_color="#f9f9f9" border_top="1px solid #ededed" border_bottom="1px solid #ededed"]
<h2>Additional Styling</h2>
Change the font, background color, background image, shadow, and opacity of the promo box shortcode.
[intense_promo_box color="#ffffff" background_color="inverse"]
Background color and font
[intense_promo_box size="mega" shadow="12" image="684"]
<h2>Background image and shadow. There are 14 shadows to choose from.

[intense_snippet snippet_id="Child Theme | Shortcodes/footer" snippet_title="Shortcode Page Footer"]